Monday, October 21, 2019

14 October 2019 Meeting Notes

Present:  Presenters Eunice Kim and Scott Eastburn; Sarah Owens, Secretary; Members Eddie Maestas, Christie Hughes, Kristin Keunz-Barber, Shelly Ehenger, Michael Livingston, Chris Jones (see Roster tab, above).

Shelly Ehenger:  The draft 5-year Consolidated Plan is available for comment.  The City is working with Western Economic Services.  Only ~80 or so people responded to the survey, which is open through March if you haven't yet taken it or want to change your answers.

Eunice Kim:  The City is in the midst of a multi-year project to update the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, which guides development in the Salem area.  The project is called Our Salem, and is in the "community-wide visioning" phase.  Sign up to get email updates about the project and learn about opportunities to get involved.  

Scott Eastburn:  The ARCHES Project has launched a new housing program with three components based on a client's VI-SPDAT score, and three funding sources.  Four case managers, 15-25 client caseload.  Intent is to match services/support with need.  Expectation is one check-in/month and a six-month follow up after exit.  Key performance measure is housing stability; aim to house 95% of those going through intake, and have 90% exit to positive housing situation.  Program strengths: cultivated relationships with landlords; uniform forms; rapid, assisted intake; removing barriers before the housing search begins (e.g., help client complete out a standard lease application and practice interview), move in checklists to work while the client is waiting for the inspection to be completed; having staff certified to be able to inspect; solid relationship with Fair Housing.  Maximum assistance is for two years, but most will exceed income standard (30% of gross) in six months.  More details in Scott's outline (edited somewhat).

There is nothing yet planned for November, the work group having rejected Sarah's idea to hold a debate on the merits of the City's proposed Sidewalk Behavior Ordinance. Kristin Keunz-Barber agreed after the meeting to see if someone from Marion County's Health Advisory Board might be prepared to talk to the work group in November about HAB's interface with housing and homelessness.